IDEM Singapore 2024Products & Services Drapes, fenestrated

Drapes, fenestrated

THIENEL Dental e.K.

The PROPHYTEX (cut-outs for eyes and mouth) and PROPHYLAX (cut-outs for the face) fenstrated drapes are comfortable disposable protective drapes for treatments such as professional dental cleaning. The wipes consist of 2 layers of cellulose (one at the top and one at the bottom) and a layer of plastic film (in the middle). All wipes have a practical tear-off perforation and perforated carriers.
Further reading

PROPHYLAX, fenestrated drapes, tissue+foil+tissue, with tie fastening, perforated on rolls

PROPHYTEX, fenestrated drapes, tissue+foil+tissue, with tie fastening, perforated on rolls

PROPHYLAX, fenestrated drapes, tissue+foil+tissue, with tie fastening, perforated on rolls

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