IDEM Singapore 2024Products & Services KOHLEO>20 - Defying Gravity

KOHLEO>20 - Defying Gravity

Kohdent Roland Kohler Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Developed to meet specific needs of microsurgeons/periodontists:
18 cm length allows easier access to posterior area; light, ergonomic handle - "standard" for today's requirements for fatiguefree work; black coating reduces reflection; instruments without locking mechanism prevent delicate sutures from getting caught in the clasp; forceps tip closes over 3-4 mm working part, allowing user to easily grasp and position suture material; smooth working tips reduce risk of damage to fine needles
Further reading

Micro needle holder KOHLEO<20

Micro needle holder KOHLEO<20

Micro pliers KOHLEO<20

Micro scissors KOHLEO<20

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